French vs. Sliding Patio Doors: Which Patio Door Style is Best?

French vs. Sliding Patio Doors: Which Patio Door Style is Best?

French vs. Sliding Patio Doors: Which Patio Door Style is Best?Patio doors are available in various forms, but the two most popular are French and sliding patio doors. Because both door styles have a lot to offer, the best way to choose the ideal door for your home is to examine your needs and preferences when comparing French versus sliding patio doors.

To assist you in selecting the best patio door for your house, we’ll go through the benefits and drawbacks of each patio door style so you can make an educated selection.

Quick facts about these patio door designs:

French Doors

  • Swinging patio doors and hinged patio doors are other names for French patio doors.
  • From the center, French doors can open inward or outward.
  • French doors are more commonly used in homes with traditional architectural styles due to their more intricate appearance.

Sliding Patio Doors

  • Sliding patio doors are also known as gliding patio doors.
  • Sliding doors open and close by sliding.
  • A sliding door includes a sliding screen door, allowing you to leave your door open and enjoy the breeze without worrying about bugs.

Are French or Sliding Patio Doors More Expensive?

French patio doors are typically more expensive than sliding patio doors, but the price of either door style can vary greatly depending on the custom options you select. Home Advisor estimates that the average cost to install any door ranges between $475 and $1291.

The cost of patio doors depends on you and your preferences. Maybe you want to replace your sliding doors with French doors. Or you want the most energy-efficient patio door available. All of these factors can impact the price.

Differences in Design Between French Patio Doors and Sliding Patio Doors

A few key design differences between French and sliding patio doors may help you decide which is best for your home: the door frame, patio door hardware, and, most importantly, how much space they take up.

French Doors Have a Wider Door Frame.

A sliding glass door frame is typically narrower than a French patio door frame, allowing more natural light into your home. However, the wider frame on a French patio door is a more traditional style, which many homeowners desire.

French Doors and Sliding Doors Have Different Hardware.

Because sliding and French doors operate differently, they come with different hardware options. Contact us for more patio door hardware options.

Sliding Patio Doors Use Less Space

Sliding doors are ideal for small spaces in your home, whereas French exterior doors require significantly more space. Because so many homeowners adore the look of French doors but lack the necessary space, patio door manufacturers began offering sliding French patio doors. French sliding doors combine the larger, traditional frame of French doors with the operation and functionality of a sliding door, giving homeowners the best of both patio door styles.

In Conclusion, Which is Superior: Sliding or French Patio Doors?

The answer depends on your requirements. A sliding patio door is the best option if you want a patio door that takes up little space. However, if you want a more traditional look and extra space, French patio doors may be the way to go. Customization and energy efficiency options are available.

Ready to Replace Your patio door? Take the First Step

Ready to purchase your dream patio doors? Call Us at (909) 947-3310, speak to a Moldings Plus team member, and get started.