A Homeowner’s Guide to Going Green: 7 Tips for Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

A Homeowner’s Guide to Going Green: 7 Tips for Living an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

A Homeowner’s Guide to Going Green: 7 Tips for Living an Eco-Friendly LifestyleWe understand that the idea of “going green” can be intimidating. What if we told you that you could make your home more eco-friendly without drastically altering your lifestyle? Follow these seven steps (we promise we kept them simple!) to help the environment and your wallet.

Replace Incandescent Bulbs with CFLs or LEDs.

How many people are required to change a light bulb? Only one person is needed to change a light bulb. CFLs and LEDs use 60-80 percent less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs and last longer.

Reduce Your Water Consumption.

According to the EPA, the average American family of two adults and a child uses 300 gallons of water per day. Water can be saved by turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth, taking shorter showers, or watering your plants with recycled water.

Unplug Everything That isn’t in Use.

According to the Department of Energy, if you don’t unplug unused electronics, you could be wasting $100 per year. Turning off your computer or television can save you money and energy. We understand that unplugging everything takes time, so use a power strip with switched outlets so you can control which devices turn on and off.

Change to More Energy-Efficient Products.

Your house works hard all year to keep you comfortable. Energy-saving products can help your heating and cooling systems by trapping heat in the winter and reflecting it in the summer. Visit our blog to learn how to start saving energy – even during the holidays!

Repair Any Leaking Toilets and Faucets.

Because flushing the toilet is the most common household water use, it’s critical to check leaks. Dripping faucets also waste a lot of water. Going green can be simple maintenance on fixtures like these to prevent waste.

Make the Most of Natural Lighting.

There is no need to use energy-consuming lights when sunlight is available. Furthermore, natural lighting brightens and creates a more inviting and relaxed atmosphere in your home.

Any Drafty Windows or Doors Should be Replaced.

Warm air can leak through tiny gaps in old windows and doors during the winter, and cool air can escape during the summer. This causes seasonal drafts in your home and can put additional strain on your heater, raising your energy bill. Maintain your comfort while “going green” by switching to more environmentally friendly options such as our ENERGY STAR® certified windows and doors.

Schedule a Consultation

If you want to learn more about energy-efficient products like our windows and doors, call (909) 947-3310 today to set up a consultation with one of our experts.